Merry Christmas! I hope everyone enjoyed their day! What a great day, I am still in my PJ's! Ok, I showered at 2 and then hopped back in some new pjs that I got from my husband. My allergies were kickin so I was a bum and napped all day and watched the nickelodeon channel with Liam. The kids (ok, just Liam) was up at 7:30 and woke everyone else up because Santa came last night! Everyone loved their gifts(I got my husband the IPAD2 and he was a bit intimidated by it and didnt open it until like 4:00!!) I have been eating non stop today and have been watching Iron Chef now that the little dude has gone to bed. But, I wanted to wish you all a wonderful day! Hopefully, I will get back to making a few cards here and there but am working on getting Liam into kindergarten next year(who knew it would be so difficult? He has to take a test to get into kindergarten?? unreal...) and my step daughter into college so will be a busy for a bit doing that. Dont forget about me, I will be back!
xoxo Peggy Sue

Sunday, December 25, 2011
Christmas cones
Wow, I have missed all of you!! These past few weeks I have not been on much to check out all the great holiday projects and all of your wonderful blogs. While it bums me out since I know there was some probably some gorgeous projects,(especially at this time of the year,) and I love reading about all of your lives, I really needed to take a breather. (bad timing, I know!) But, I was a little to into the blogging thing and not doing what I had to be doing,like spending less time on the computer and more time chasing my now(I'm still freaking he is 5) 5 year old . I work full time and play with him once I get home until he gets to bed but some nights, I just wanted to chill out and craft. But, he is more important than making a card or project! There is no project, card, or layout that I could have made that is more beautiful than my son. He is the love of my life. In his world, I was made to feed him, soothe his ouchies,play tackle football, and play power rangers(oh and wipe his butt-when the heck is going to learn to do that on his own??? lol). And you know what,I can totally dig his world! He is already 5, it went so fast, and I don't want him to remember me as the mom who was on the computer and not spending enough time with him. I mean, he is the coolest dude ever!! At a whopping 34 pounds and 3 feet tall, his heart is the size of the moon and whats even more cool, he loves me to the moon and back. So how could I not want to spend every minute with him?? So, I did his b-day party, the arrival of Joey the Elf, and have just been concentrating on him and my husband and getting ready for the arrival of Santa! But, before all that, I took my first craft class and learned how to make these awesome cones and treat cups!! It was a great class, there were was only one other student! I am a total visual learner and luckily I had a very patient teacher. I was like, ummm I totally can't get this cone thing to look like a cone and so she would roll it and unroll it (like a million times) so many times that I got her so confused, she was starting to think she was nuts! But, in the end and I got it!! I made four so far and I am going to make marshmallow pops and put them in the cone and give them to Liam's teachers at school. I have only one other Christmas project, a wreath I made to put in our office. (There are 2 women and 20 guys, I had to brighten the place up a bit!!)But, haven't taken a picture yet. Here are the pictures of some of the cones:
Friday, December 23, 2011
Some Christmas decorations
Here are some wreaths and a table decoration I made for my sisters,mom and for me! I love the pies and gingerbread and have a tree all decorated
These two were given to me 5 yrs ago, I love them!! My mother in law gave me Mickey and my husband gave me the duck in the airplane as my "push"gift when I had Liam!!(he used to fly planes/helicopters)This is my candy tree:
I love Christmas!! Anyone up for going to Michaels?? They are open until Midnight!!
These two were given to me 5 yrs ago, I love them!! My mother in law gave me Mickey and my husband gave me the duck in the airplane as my "push"gift when I had Liam!!(he used to fly planes/helicopters)This is my candy tree:
I love Christmas!! Anyone up for going to Michaels?? They are open until Midnight!!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
The return of Joey the Elf!
I can't believe I didn't post about Joey the Elf!! I thought I had and now see that it did not post! oops! By now most of you have probably heard of the book, Elf on The Shelf. If you have not,it is about an elf that comes after Thanksgiving to watch over children. Each night he(or she) reports back to Santa on the childs behavior. As soon as the elf comes, you have to name it. Ours is named Joey. He usually comes the day after Thanksgiving but was a bit late since Liams b-day was such a big deal. This year I found the cutest idea on a blog I stalk, I mean follow. The site it at and after looking at it, I totally knew I was going to do something similar to it! A party for Joey the Elfs return! How fun, right?? Tamara is way more crafty than I and you could see it in every awesome detail! I mean, her party was kickin!. The pjs alone are to die for! She takes beautiful photos, you have to check her out!! (really, everything she does is absolutely gorgeous!!) So,the day after Liam's b-day bash, I decorated the table and had milk, "snownuts"(powdered doughnuts), and chocolates on it. There was a coloring book, some foam crafts, a santa lantern and even a letter from Joey!! Liam loved it! It was really cool!Every morning we look for Joey as he is in a different place each morning. He has been on the Christmas tree, on the couch, on our curio cabinet can, etc...It is a challenge to think of spots to set him as he is tough to bend! Seriously, he is constantly slipping off where ever he has been placed and is not very pliable! They totally need to make his body more barbie-like! Aside from the weird body and kinda scary stalkerish face, he is pretty cool! So, if you have a small child, I totally recommend the book. Although after Joey leaves, I am totally in for it. What else am I going to bribe him with to behave??? He is scared to death to misbehave for fear of Joey telling Santa! LOL Wish it would work for the teenager who as I write this is getting picked up by her father since she was caught at an underage drinking party and the cops called! AHHHH!!!! Well, I am off to find another spot for Joey since the little dude is at least safe and tucked into bed(ok, and when I mean safe I mean not out playing beer pong!lol)Good Night!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Holy CupCakes, Liam turned 5!!
that's right, the lil dude has turned 5. This has turned his mother(me) into a wreck! I mean really, wasn't it just yesterday that I brought him home from the hospital and just stared him going, what the heck do I do with you now that you are out??!! He has been such a riot, he makes me laugh every day(ok, sometimes I want to ring his neck but can't cuz he is just so darn cute!) and makes me so happy for getting a clue and deciding to have a baby! Every day I am more and more thankful for him and for my husband.
Liam had his party today, it was super hero themed. He would have been happy at Chucky CheeseI(I would have rather given birth again with no drugs than do that-sorry Chuck). I, on the other hand, live for parties. My husband? Not so much. He loves Liam to pieces, other kids? UMM...not so much! He actually would be a great stay home and when I "let" him retire for the second time, he will do a great job! lol Anyway I bought the Batman and Superman carts and made his invites, center pieces,banner, cupcake toppers and sign. I had a blast doing it. Those pieces are way small on the cart and it was a bit aggravating! Seriously, anyone have those cartridges? I still can't get a grip on the sizes, real dial, regular whatever... four trillion pieces later and I managed to make some pretty cool center pieces. Anything for the little dude! (including my sanity apparently)We invited 12 other children and although me being the control freak wanted to organize games and such, they only wanted to bounce in the Marvel themed bounce house! Oh well, I relented....(and then played pin the bat on the moon by myself later! ha)Some of the kids dressed up as their favorite super heroes which was lots of fun. They played all day in the bounce house and with all of Liam's super heroes and cars. What great kids! Here are some photos(ok, a lot of photos!)
here is the invite:
Since many didn't RSVP, I had to send out a reminder!! It's bat on a piece of elastic!
Here is the bounce house-
The party favors included a chocolate covered marshmallow with an "S" for Superman on it, stickers,a door hanger and lightening bolt soap I ordered from Etsy (Brownbagbathbars.
Superman was guarding the treat bags-
Sign for the front door and banner inside-
Here are the center pieces,cupcakes and toppers:
Here are his buddies(Liam has the yellow Wolverine costume on on the right)
Me and my bud with all of his presents!
Whew! I think that is it!! Now off to do thank yous(and you know they just can't be store bought!) Fire up the Cricut!!
Happy Birthday Liam! Mommy and daddy love you and hope you had a great time!
Liam had his party today, it was super hero themed. He would have been happy at Chucky CheeseI(I would have rather given birth again with no drugs than do that-sorry Chuck). I, on the other hand, live for parties. My husband? Not so much. He loves Liam to pieces, other kids? UMM...not so much! He actually would be a great stay home and when I "let" him retire for the second time, he will do a great job! lol Anyway I bought the Batman and Superman carts and made his invites, center pieces,banner, cupcake toppers and sign. I had a blast doing it. Those pieces are way small on the cart and it was a bit aggravating! Seriously, anyone have those cartridges? I still can't get a grip on the sizes, real dial, regular whatever... four trillion pieces later and I managed to make some pretty cool center pieces. Anything for the little dude! (including my sanity apparently)We invited 12 other children and although me being the control freak wanted to organize games and such, they only wanted to bounce in the Marvel themed bounce house! Oh well, I relented....(and then played pin the bat on the moon by myself later! ha)Some of the kids dressed up as their favorite super heroes which was lots of fun. They played all day in the bounce house and with all of Liam's super heroes and cars. What great kids! Here are some photos(ok, a lot of photos!)
here is the invite:
Since many didn't RSVP, I had to send out a reminder!! It's bat on a piece of elastic!
Here is the bounce house-
The party favors included a chocolate covered marshmallow with an "S" for Superman on it, stickers,a door hanger and lightening bolt soap I ordered from Etsy (Brownbagbathbars.
Superman was guarding the treat bags-
Sign for the front door and banner inside-
Here are the center pieces,cupcakes and toppers:
Here are his buddies(Liam has the yellow Wolverine costume on on the right)
Me and my bud with all of his presents!
Whew! I think that is it!! Now off to do thank yous(and you know they just can't be store bought!) Fire up the Cricut!!
Happy Birthday Liam! Mommy and daddy love you and hope you had a great time!
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